Is Camembert Cheese Vegan?

is camembert cheese vegan?

Was Camembert cheese one of your favourites and now that you are vegan or thinking of going plant-based are wondering whether you can still enjoy this dairy cheese?

Fear no more as there are many vegan camembert cheese options available around the world today.

Was Camembert cheese one of your favourites and now that you are vegan or thinking of going plant-based are wondering whether you can still enjoy this dairy cheese?

Fear no more as there are many vegan camembert cheese options available around the world today.

Camembert has a soft inner which is creamy and is surrounded by a ripened moldy case that grows over time when it's ripened.

Originally from Normandy in North West France and is made like most other dairy cheeses from cows milk.

So how do you enjoy camembert if it's made from the lactations of a cow?

Well first off, Penicillium candidum mold, is what creates its bloomy rind and is made in the exact same way with vegan camembert cheese.

It is only the inside of the cheese which uses a plant based protein rather than cows milk which is what differs.

il cashewficio muffavert camembert vegan cheese


Above you can see the vegan Il Cashewfico vegan alternative to camembert, an absolutely wonderful and delightful vegan cheese.

And like nearly all vegan camembert cheeses is made in a traditional way, just without the cows milk but instead a plant milk protein to create the soft and creamy inner of this amazing vegan cheese.

You should be happy to know that there are almost 100 vegan camembert cheeses available in the world today to buy in a supermarket or from a local artisanal vegan cheese maker.

We know this because we have curated the biggest vegan cheese database anywhere online, continually updating it to show vegan cheeses that are available to buy and try today from all over the world.

Find Vegan Camembert Cheese

From our database we have added this snapshot of all the currently available vegan camembert cheeses that you can buy and try today.

Just simply select your location that you live in and you will be shown the vegan camembert that is available to you today.

Displaying 1 - 20 of 95 vegan feta cheeses available in your country

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Thinking of going vegan but finding it hard to quit dairy cheese?

We have the biggest database of vegan cheeses anywhere online at our discovery app

Go check it out as we're sure you can find a new favorite or first vegan cheese that you love!