Gouda cheese is a popular, semi-hard cheese from the Netherlands, like many other dairy cheeses available it's named after a location, and in this case, the city of Gouda.
Similar to Cheddar and Mozzarella, it's one of the most popular in the world and is like most others, made from the milk of a cow.
This makes Gouda that we've known about for centuries not vegan.
But are there any vegan alternatives to gouda cheese for the plant-based eater and those that do not demand animal products.
Above is one of the 50+ vegan gouda cheeses available to buy today from around the world. This one is made by Noshing who are based in Australia and is made with a base of almonds.
As you can see this is an award winning vegan cheese, winning the best gouda vegan cheese of 2022 in our annual vegan cheese awards.
This is just one of many vegan gouda cheeses available today as our primary aim here is to collage and categorise every single vegan cheese available in the world today in our vegan cheese database.
In the article banner you can see the Sophies Delight Goudie vegan cheese, made in the UK and from cashew nuts. Both of which have been tagged and can be seen at the bottom of this article.