UK Vegan Cheese Online
If you want to search through vegan cheeses available online, there are a number of online stores that will deliver in the UK, most of which are entirely vegan and sell an array of vegan and plant based cheeses to those residing here.
You will find anywhere from a handful of vegan cheeses to about 50 depending on the online store you are looking through.
Buying Vegan Cheese Online
When you buy vegan cheese online, you will receive your vegan cheese usually within 24 hours of dispatch from where you bought the plant based cheese from.
They will always come chilled in foil packs and with cold blocks or freeze blocks added to keep them cold whilst they are being delivered.
We have never had an issue with this and most vegan cheese sellers use recyclable packaging and freeze bags which we thought was a nice idea.
If you are buying non-chilled vegan cheese online, which there are plenty of options for, you will get them delivered usually in cardboard boxes, just like other jarred and tubbed foods.
Vegan Cheese Brand Stores
You will find a lot of vegan cheese brands that are sold and also made in the united kingdom sell their own dairy free cheese online on their own store fronts.
Companies such as sell all of their cheeses they make in their shop online, so you can put an order in for any of their cheeses, knowing you can get them delivered to your home.
Here are a number of other UK based vegan cheese brands that sell through their own online shop.
We recommend finding vegan cheeses you are interested in and seeing if they sell them online first. If they don't sell them online, you can usually find a stockists info on their website.
Online Stores That Sell Vegan Cheese
There are many health food and vegan online stores now that stock vegan cheeses of all kinds. Some will sell just a handful, whilst others have huge ranges of vegan cheese in the UK.
Vegan Kind Supermarket
One of the biggest online stores that sells vegan cheese is Vegan Kind Supermarket. We link to them for the cheeses in our database which they have in stock and can be bought online.
Ocado are not entirely vegan, but are the largest solely online supermarket store where you can do full food shops through their website.
They also create and sell a number of their own vegan cheeses which is why we have added them here.
Planet Organic
Planet Organic sells mostly organic fresh food and also vegan cheese options, it doesn't have the largest selection of vegan cheeses but there are a few if you usually shop on their store.
They currently stock over 46 dairy free cheese choices for those in the UK.
Yumbles… is another similar online store, sort of like Etsy but for food and you'll find a range of plant based cheese options on their site.
List of Vegan Cheeses in the UK
Below you can see a complete list of vegan cheeses available in the UK to buy.
We have put it in table form for easy viewing but is just a snapshot of what can be seen on our discovery page. You can scroll through the table to see what options you have both online and in store in the united kingdom.