If you're looking for a vegan cheese hamper in Spain, look no further as below you'll find the very best options for you.
We have scoured the internet and our one of a kind vegan cheese database to see which Spanish artisanal vegan cheese makers have created special hampers to celebrate this years Christmas.
If you're looking for a vegan cheese hamper in Spain, look no further as below you'll find the very best options for you.
We have scoured the internet and our one of a kind vegan cheese database to see which Spanish artisanal vegan cheese makers have created special hampers to celebrate this years Christmas.
Below you'll see what offerings there are for you to order and enjoy this holiday period.
And if we find any more Christmas inspired vegan cheese hampers we will be sure to update this article.
Nutty Artisan Foods Cesta Navideña – Edición Limitada

No pierdas la ocasión de disfrutar estas fiestas de nuestra mejor selección de Nutty’s nuevos y acompañantes.
Nuestra cesta incluye:
NUEVO Cremoso al Simply White 140g Un cremoso y untable Nutty con un toque al Simply White (de toda la vida)
NUEVO Nutty Tomato y Albahaca 165g Una armoniosa fusión de tomates secos y albahaca aromática.
Simply Blue 130g Nuestra galardonada Simply Blue es una alternativa al queso Roquefort. ¡Su olor, textura y vetas hacen que esto sea un Nutty de primer premio!
Faux Gras de Gaia 125g La alternativa para los gourmets más selectos y que respetan a los animales. ¡Una bendición para su conciencia y su paladar!
Selección Gourmet Diego Vega Picos 130g Los auténticos picos de pan. Un bocado crujiente con unas propiedades y sabores únicos para acompañar nuestros Nutty.
Don't miss the chance to enjoy our best selection of new and accompanying Nutty's this holiday season.
Our basket includes:
NEW Simply White Creamy 140g A creamy and spreadable Nutty with a touch of Simply White (old fashioned)
NEW Nutty Tomato and Basil 165g A harmonious fusion of dried tomatoes and aromatic basil.
Simply Blue 130g Our award-winning Simply Blue is an alternative to Roquefort cheese. Its smell, texture and grain make this a top-rated Nutty!
Gaia Faux Gras 125g The alternative for the most select gourmets who respect animals. A blessing for your conscience and your palate!
Diego Vega Picos Gourmet Selection 130g The authentic bread peaks. A crunchy snack with unique properties and flavors to accompany our Nutty.
You will get five amazing vegan cheeses from Nutty Artisan which also include 2 special edition vegan cheeses that they have created specifically for this years Christmas.
This Christmas box costs €22,99 and you can expect delivery around the 18th of December.
You can find more information and order it here.