Itz Nutz Karabiberli Olgunlaştırılmış Kalıp Kaju

Itz Nutz Karabiberli Olgunlaştırılmış Kalıp Kaju

Yeni formülüyle karabiberli kalıp kajuya bayılacaksınız. Kıvamı daha yumuşak ve sürülebilir formda kaju peynir ikamesini sen de dene...


You will love the black pepper molded cashew with its new formula. You should also try the cashew cheese substitute, which has a softer consistency and a spreadable form...


Yeni formülüyle karabiberli kalıp kajuya bayılacaksınız. Kıvamı daha yumuşak ve sürülebilir formda kaju peynir ikamesini sen de dene...


You will love the black pepper molded cashew with its new formula. You should also try the cashew cheese substitute, which has a softer consistency and a spreadable form...


Where to Buy

You can find a local list of stockists for Itz Nutz vegan cheese below.

Itz Nutz Karabiberli Olgunlaştırılmış Kalıp Kaju Ingredients

If you are looking for the Itz Nutz Karabiberli Olgunlaştırılmış Kalıp Kaju ingredients, look no further, here you can see the ingredients used in this vegan cheese directly below.

What is the main ingredient of Itz Nutz Karabiberli Olgunlaştırılmış Kalıp Kaju? cashew is used as the main ingredient and you can see other ingredients used to make this vegan cheese.

Are vegan cheeses with specific ingredients important to you for health reasons or you need to watch out for ingredients for allergen reasons. Here you can see what allergens or diets are covered dairy free, gluten free, lactose free.

Rate this cheese

Average: 7 (1 vote)
Good for cooking
Average: 7 (1 vote)
Good melted
Average: 7 (1 vote)
Good to eat raw
Average: 7 (1 vote)
Similar to non-vegan cheese?
Average: 7 (1 vote)


Alternative to
Storage type
Location made
black pepper
Cheese colour


cashew nuts
coconut oil
nutritional yeast
black pepper
Probiotic (Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus
Streptococcus thermophilus
Lactobacillus acidophilus)


Full weight
100 grams

Itz Nutz Karabiberli Olgunlaştırılmış Kalıp Kaju Reviews

Below you can find reviews for the Itz Nutz Karabiberli Olgunlaştırılmış Kalıp Kaju from other vegan cheese lovers.

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Similar Cheeses

Are you looking for a similar vegan cheese to the Itz Nutz Karabiberli Olgunlaştırılmış Kalıp Kaju?

Just like Itz Nutz Karabiberli Olgunlaştırılmış Kalıp Kaju the following vegan cheeses are all available to buy in Turkey, have the same block form and are also a peppery, cultured alternative.

If none of these tickle your fancy, head on over to our one of a kind vegan cheese database to find new favourites!

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