Vegan Cheese Review of Vacka Vrie

Vegan Cheese Review of Vacka Vrie

This is our in-house review of the Väcka Vrie, we take a look at this cheese up close and really see what it's all about.

Join us to learn a little more about this brie vegan cheese. 

This is our in-house review of the Väcka Vrie, we take a look at this cheese up close and really see what it's all about.

Join us to learn a little more about this brie vegan cheese. 

vaca vrie vegan brie cheese

Below you can see the ingredients used in this vegan cream cheese and above you can see the jar in all it's glory, ready to open and enjoy.

Ingredients: Cashews, water, and fermented vegetables, salt, ferments, organic nutritional yeast, organic coconut oil, organic  deodorized cocoa butter, organic agave

Disclaimer- this is our in-house review of this vegan cheese product, all writings shared are our own opinion and experience of the cheese at the given time and product received, therefore bear in mind this may differ from your experience, with our reviews aiming to provide an insight into what you may expect.


Firstly, we love the bold branding of Vacka, with it's pop culture style. Inside the card box you'll find the Vrie encased in a paper wrapper.

vaca vrie vegan brie cheese

Once this is peeled away for the cheese you'll happily discover a bold white bloom if ever we have seen one, it's got an nice thin crust of white rind bloom and underneath you can see a smooth more blonde nutty colour tone to the cheese.

It's appearance is naturally cultivated over a period of 1 month.


Mouldy bloomy aromas which seduce and make us salivate at the thought of it.

vaca vrie vegan brie cheese


Flavours are rich, creamy and elegant. Little hints of a white chocolate flavour too.

vaca vrie vegan brie cheese

There are tones of fermentation that give you that more mature, mouldy flavour, this increases more so a moment after you have tried it and there are no lingering acidic aftertones.


The texture is semi-soft with a slight firmness that makes for a slow slice through the cheese.

vaca vrie vegan brie cheese

The outside crust of white bloom gives you that outer firmness that protects the softer interior that is ultra smooth, a little dense and also velvety.


The Vaca Vrie has a best before of 60 days, 2 months, this is ample time to save it for a vegan cheese party.

Environmental Credentials

  • Using organic ingredients
  • Wrapped in paper
  • In a beautiful presented box



One of the best vegan brie cheeses we have ever tried, yummy!!

vaca vrie vegan brie cheese
Average: 7 (4 votes)
Main ingredient
Almond drink
coconut butter
tapioca starch
yeast *
lactic acid
Thickener Carrageenan
sodium chloride calcium