El primer fermentado de anacardos Vegano Ahumado con Ceniza, sustituto vegetal al queso, que hará que no lo eches de menos, de textura fina y sorprendente al paladar, consigue un sabor de lo más complejo,aportando notas dulces y delicadas, que hace de su degustación,toda una experiencia que no dejará a nadie indiferente.
El primer fermentado de anacardos Vegano Ahumado con Ceniza, sustituto vegetal al queso, que hará que no lo eches de menos, de textura fina y sorprendente al paladar, consigue un sabor de lo más complejo,aportando notas dulces y delicadas, que hace de su degustación,toda una experiencia que no dejará a nadie indiferente. Recubierto con carbón activo, que nos recuerda la ceniza, y aportando sus beneficios desintoxicantes.
El sustituto vegetal perfecto al queso, elaborado con las mejores materias primas y con mucho amor.
The first fermented Vegan Smoked Cashew with Ash, a vegetable substitute for cheese, which will make you not miss it, with a fine texture and surprising on the palate, it achieves a most complex flavor, providing sweet and delicate notes, which makes its tasting, an experience that will not leave anyone indifferent. Coated with activated carbon, which reminds us of ash, and providing its detoxifying benefits. The perfect vegetable substitute for cheese, made with the best raw materials and with a lot of love.
Local Stockists
You can find a local list of stockists for Serra Vegana vegan cheese below.
Serra Vegana Queso Vegano Ahumado y Ceniza Ingredients
If you are looking for the Serra Vegana Queso Vegano Ahumado y Ceniza ingredients, look no further, here you can see the ingredients used in this vegan cheese directly below.
What is the main ingredient of Serra Vegana Queso Vegano Ahumado y Ceniza? cashew is used as the main ingredient and you can see other ingredients used to make this vegan cheese.
Are vegan cheeses with specific ingredients important to you for health reasons or you need to watch out for ingredients for allergen reasons. Here you can see what allergens or diets are covered dairy free, lactose free, organic.
Serra Vegana Queso Vegano Ahumado y Ceniza Reviews
Below you can find reviews for the Serra Vegana Queso Vegano Ahumado y Ceniza from other vegan cheese lovers.
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Just like Serra Vegana Queso Vegano Ahumado y Ceniza the following vegan cheeses are all available to buy in Spain, have the same block form and are also a charcoal, smoked, cultured alternative.
If none of these tickle your fancy, head on over to our one of a kind vegan cheese database to find new favourites!
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